Collection care strategies are based on common-sense. Any person working in a museum – whether a registrar, exhibit designer, director or volunteer – must incorporate preservation principles in all activities that impact the collection. How money is allocated, how staff is trained, equipment purchased, and consultants used, impact the preservation of a collection as much as storage materials and exhibit light levels.
This page links to useful collection care ideas to assist in improving the overall care of a collection. The focus in these links are practical solutions and ideas. Start with Collections Caretaker "It takes a staff to care for a collection."
If you are starting a new museum, or planning a building expansion, remember to include a conservator from the beginning of your planning. Do not depend on the architect to be current on preservation concepts.
Links to related information on other sites:
Conserve-O-Gram Series
(full text available for downloading) conserveogram/cons_toc.html
Conserve-O-Gram 1/1
Preservation of Museum Collections – Adobe Acrobat PDF File
Conserve-O-Gram 1/2
Bibliography – Adobe Acrobat PDF File
Conserve-O-Gram 1/5
Salvaging Acidic or Damaged Museum Accession Books – Adobe Acrobat PDF File